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Dreams are the most primal, and primary languages through which we–– and higher beings–– communicate to us with. Dreams are also ways for spirit guides and loved ones who have passed to convey messages to us in this world, and thus conveying their messages is incredibly important. Deciphering our own symbolic language is revelatory for accessing the unconscious and finding meaning and guidance in the spiritual realm.

This service gives you the opportunity to review a recurring or poignant dream, nightmare to help process it from the unconscious mind to the conscious, and decode important symbolic messages.The dream analysis is informed based on magickal symbols from tarot, Kabbalah and other occult sources, numerology, colour theory, intuition and pyshcic skills, and adaption from Freudian analysis with new contemporary and personalised understandings of symbols.

Your recurring symbols will be decoded and situated within their psychic relevance. The language of the dream will be deciphered according to your own dream language, associations and energy– not from dream dictionaries as these use very generic symbolic decoding.

This will include analysis as well as a somatic integration.

You will also be recommended plants and herbs to work with for: 

✦ Lucid Dreaming
✦ Better Dream Recollection 
✦To Stop Nightmares
✦To Promote Divinatory Psychic Dreams

Pre Reading 
You can either send a detailed account of your dream, or book a video/ in person session to discuss your dream. Prices vary.

50 minutes £165 | 80 minutes £195 | 120 minutes £250. It is recommended to take the 80 minute slot for your first-ever tarot session with me, as there will be lots of initial energy mapping. 

Video/ in Person Session 

(As many dreams as you like, more in-depth analysis, and opportunity to integrate and process using somatics, drama therapies, and other exercises)



Nightares, such as dreams, are one of the most primal, and primary languages through which we–– and higher beings–– communicate to us with. Nightmares can also be a way for spirit guides and loved ones who have passed to convey warnings and messages of urgency. Deciphering our own symbolic language is incredibly powerful and revelatory.

Nightmares are particularly interesting as they demonstrate our subconscious mind processing trauma that we are unable to process fully consciously. To work with nightmares and bring them into the conscious realm, we are able to learn from them and relinquish their more disturbing effect and recurrence.

​This service gives you the opportunity to review a recurring or poignant dream, nightmare to help process it from the unconscious mind to the conscious, and decode important symbolic messages. The dream analysis is informed based on magickal symbols from tarot, Kabbalah and other occult sources, numerology, colour theory, intuition and pyshcic skills, and adaption from Freudian analysis with new contemporary and personalised understandings of symbols.

Your recurring symbols will be decoded and situated within their psychic relevance. The language of the dream will be deciphered according to your own dream language, associations and energy– not from dream dictionaries as these use very generic symbolic decoding. 

This will include analysis
as well as a somatic integration.

You will also be recommended plants and herbs to work with for: 

✦ Lucid Dreaming
✦ Better Dream Recollection 
✦ To Stop Nightmares
✦ To Promote Divinatory Psychic Dreams

Pre Reading 
You can either send a detailed account of your dream, or book a video/ in person session to discuss your dream. Prices vary.

50 minutes £165 | 80 minutes £195 | 120 minutes £250. It is recommended to take the 80 minute slot for your first-ever tarot session with me, as there will be lots of initial energy mapping. 

Video/ in Person Session
​(As many dreams as you like, more in-depth analysis, and opportunity to integrate and process using somatics, drama therapies, and other exercises)




"The dream analysis was absolutely incredible. Bella guided me through all the symbols of my subconscious, helping me to decode and understand them better, and also giving me practical tasks to help with the themes that came up. The in depth report was very useful, and included tips to help too. Highly recommend to everyone, especially those that suffer with recurring dreams and nightmares.


I have also shared this on my story– which is not at all sponsored– but I am genuinely in a better place as a result of working with Bella and the Magick Room and cannot recommend enough"

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